Account Application

Proceed to fill out the form below in order to apply for a credit account with Specflue. Alternatively you can download our PDF version of the application here

Company Details

Trading Address

Main Address

Contact Details


* We require a landline telephone number in order to process all credit account requests


* We require a landline telephone number in order to process all credit account requests

Further Questions

Accounts Information

Bank Details

Address for Invoices/Statements (if different from main address above)

We/I hereby apply for a credit account and agree to pay accounts by the last working day of each month following month of delivery. We/I hereby agree to operate our/my account in accordance with the conditions of sales, which are attached with this application form.

We/I hereby give our/my consent to a credit search being made on us/me as owner/partner(s) or director(s) of this organisation both now and at any future date. We/I understand this search will be recorded by the agency and may be disclosed to subsequent enquirers.

By putting your name in the field below you indicate that you agree to our terms and conditions.